Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents:

Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents is a series of physics lectures from Berkeley University, that focuses on theory rather than math. It appears to be a full course with (I believe) 25 lectures (I haven't watched all of them yet, but the ones that I have seen are really good). This one is lecture 13 - Light I. Light is one of the most interesting topics in physics, and strikes at the very heart of how we understand the "reality" around us.

Berkeley has started webcasting many of their lectures for free, definitely worth a look.

Fred Alan Wolf - The Spiritual Dimensions of Time Travel

This is an interesting lecture from quantum physicist, and spiritualist Dr. Fred Alan Wolf about what we are discovering to be the very odd nature of our reality. The very act of observing affects what is being observed. The will of the observer CANNOT be excluded from the equation. The Uncertainty Principle. Someones "I am..." WILL affect the Universe, their current situation and the "I am..." of all others, to some extent. In a sense, Werner Heisenberg more or less proved the existence of what is called Magic with his Uncertainty Principle, and opened the door for modern science to study it. More and more these days, scientists are beginning to realize that maybe the ancients DID actually know what they were talking about with their mythology, and mysticism. Are we really the first?

This lecture is from the Theosophical Society. Theosophy was given a bad name in the 20th century as Hitler and the SS were greatly inspired by the esoteric teachings of H.P. Blavatsky and of theosophy. The perversions of these teachings led to the rise of Nazi philosophy of Aryan Dominance and the Third Reich (or third family or brotherhood). Although the teachings were greatly perverted, and defaced by the Nazis back in the day, flipping through their teachings offers a viewpoint on history that is not often presented.

Aleister Crowley - The Wickedest Man In the World:

Aleister Crowley - The Wickedest Man In the World. This is a bit of a look into the life of Aleister Crowley. A man who from behind the esoteric curtain had a major impact on the 20th century, with echoes and ripples that are still being felt today, and most likely will be for a long time to come. A man ahead of his time, his timing was perfect at the dawn of the incoming age. 'The Beast 666', and prophet of his religion. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". A man who, drawing from the powers of those ancient and esoteric, obsessively dedicated his life to destroying the influence of the dogmatic church and its crippling set of imposed morals, standards and viewpoints. His picture is on the cover of the Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (back row, second from the left), Jimmy Page bought his house on Loch Ness, Ozzy wrote a song about him (Mr. Crowley), and he inspired countless occultists, and cults. He defined the life of excess, and defiled every boundary he could, and feared nothing and no one. He was childish, obsessed with sex, and died a friendless, penniless, homeless, heroin addict.

Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum:

Transplanting Memories - Mindshock:

"Do memories travel from donors' transplanted organs to recipients' consciousness?"

I thought this was quite interesting! A documentary about organ donors, their recipients, and the memories and feelings that they almost mysteriously seem to share between them. This show focuses mainly on the heart, and briefly discusses the recent discovery of neurons, and infact a functioning neural network contained within the heart. Studies mentioned in this documentary show that the heart actually deals with emotional material before it is passed on to the brain, and then back to the heart.

Personally, I believe that the body itself has its own functioning intelligence, separate from that of the brain, and that it is the battle between these two separate intelligences that spiritual people define as the ego and the soul (or similar).

Quotes from Albert Einstein:

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.

If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith.

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.

You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat.

My Book - This Particular Moment:

This is a link to the first few chapters of a book that I'm writing called "This Particular Moment". It's a work in progress. Comments and criticism are welcome.

Fantastic Planet (scored by everyone.doesntexist):

This is a really cool movie! Definitely worth a watch! Here's the same movie scored by someone else.

"Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang! Boom!..":

" This footage was shown by the BBC in a programme ‘9/11:The Twin Towers’, broadcast in the UK on 7 September 2006. The sound of the demolition charges used to bring down the WTC South Tower can clearly be heard. The sound has not been enhanced in any way and accords precisely with the eye witness testimony on 9/11, including that of the FDNY fire-fighters. The building had 114 floors, but took only 10 seconds to collapse. Fourteen of the explosions can be heard in a period of 5 seconds, so the blasts cannot have been generated by collapsing floors (the so-called ‘pancake’ effect), or the collapse of the entire building would have required more than 40 seconds!"

Did those three buildings really fall because of fire?

North American Union exposed during Senate Debate

C-Span Captured this brief exchange of advice on electing officials who are completing thier New World Order

"The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret. They have planned, and now are leading us into a one world communist government..."

THE HITCHHIKER ADVENTURE GAME by Douglas Adams - 20th Anniversary Edition:

Don't panic! Play the 20th anniversary edition of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy game. There are two versions available with different artwork (the game play itself is the same in both versions, only the art is different).

Ryan Leech - Manifesto:

Ryan Leech
is a major pioneer in the sport of bike trials, and is a master on a bicycle! He's even performed with Cirque du Soleil (and here). Stunning. Simply mind bending!

Animusic 2 - Starship Groove:

This is from Animusic's second DVD. Their stuff is pretty cool! There's a few pages of it on Google Video!

Electric car vs Ferrari:

"0-60 in 3 seconds (faster than a supercar (shown in this race)). • 1/3 the energy consumption of a hybrid (170 Miles Per Gallon equivalent). • Everything you see is in first gear. • The fast stops are regenerative braking (returning energy to the batteries).

Hopefully cars like this from Wrightspeed and Tesla will add a bit of consumer cachet to the electric car category… and accelerate the industry to the future."

Some Quotes:

"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless in the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity.

Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity." - Abraham Lincoln.

"Most people spend the great bulk of their money for: taxes, interest, and inflation. And all of that money goes to these two groups that comprise the cartel, and their partner: the federal government.--It's not a coincidence." - G. Edward Griffin

"The main purpose of the income tax is not to raise revenue, but to redistribute wealth, and control society" - G. Edward Griffin.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit.

We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson 1919

"Paper [money]is is only the ghost of money, and not money itself" - Thomas Jefferson

"The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again.
However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." - Sir Joseiah Stamp. Former Director of The Bank of England

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford

"UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head":

Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien "ET" Civilizations.

"A former Canadian Minister of Defence has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on with Alien “ET” Civilizations. Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head." Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something." “Now is the time for open disclosure that there are ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth,” a spokesperson for the Non-Governmental Organizations stated. “Our Canadian government needs to openly address these important issues of the possible deployment of weapons in outer space and war plans against ethical Extraterrestrial societies.”"

This article is from November 24, 2005. Definitely worth a read!

Dutch group wants to roll world's biggest joint:

THE HAGUE (AFP) - "Insouciant of police warnings, a Dutch group is reportedly set to roll the world's biggest joint, sending the previous record for a marijuana cigarette up in smoke.

The world's largest joint will be a 500-gram (17-ounce), meter-long (3.3-foot) monstrosity, rolled with cigarette paper and easily dwarfing the previous 100-gram winner, the ANP news agency said. To beat the record, it must be made entirely of marijuana with no tobacco mix.

"Afterwards we'll light it up," predicted event organizer Thijs Verheij, who is hoping his feat will land in the Guinness Book of Records.

The Dutch police are not amused however, warning they will intervene if the joint surpasses the five grams of marijuana allowed for consumption and sale in the Netherlands."

That was the article, but here's the source anyway.

The Galileo Project:

"The Galileo Project is a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Our aim is to provide hypertextual information about Galileo and the science of his time to viewers of all ages and levels of expertise."

This is a pretty interesting site. Learn about Galileo's life and accomplishments, and some of the scientists of his day.

Easy Mental Multiplication Trick:

"How to transform a multiplication into addition through the drawing of a stool. It works with any numbers if you keep the right partition. You can verify with your calculator!"

Here are more math tips and tricks.

America Freedom to Fascism:

" This is the "Director's Final Cut" authorized version of Aaron Russo's documentary, America: Freedom To Fascism (AFTF). It is being uploaded to Google Video for the first time during the evening of October 19-20th, 2006. Aaron has listened to everyone's feedback - volunteers, students, lovers of freedom & liberty, young and old alike - and, true to his word, he is putting this up "for free" on Google Video knowing that the hour has come for Americans to either be awakened to restore the Republic or be swept aside by the dark global forces of fascism that seeks to enslave mankind.

AFTF's main focus comes in a statement with six very simple words: SHUT DOWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM!!

After viewing the movie, please be sure to visit where you will soon be able to view a much higher quality "pay per view" Internet version of AFTF, buy the DVD and sign up as an affiliate to sell/distribute DVDs to others.

We also urge everyone to be sure to sign up as volunteer, register for email alerts and tell your family, friends and neighbors about this groundbreaking movie."

An important movie. Worth a watch! Also read "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins for more information.

A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

"G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease - like scurvy or pellagra - aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.

Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics - and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.

With billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund-raising at an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the solution should be found in a simple vitamin, this gigantic industry could be wiped out over night. The result is that the politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science."

911 Bomb Explosion Noise:

Firefighters react to the sound of an explosion or two at WTC on 9/11. Did those three buildings really fall because of fire?

John Bonham records "Fool in the Rain":

Listen to John Bonham lay down the drum track for the record version of Led Zeppelin's Fool In The Rain. I always find it interesting to hear the song you've heard a bizzillion times in the radio this way. It's like a peek behind the curtain, so to speak. Like you're right there with them in the recording studio. This is from's page on John Bonham. It's a pretty cool site, I like it quite a bit! (but then again I love drums!)

There's all sorts of cool stuff on there:
And much more!
This is a link their Drummer's page, which has all sorts of videos and whatnot on your favorite drummer (who ever that may be):

Here is a link to their clinic page which has all sorts of famous and talented drummers giving lessons and tips and tricks, and what not:

Communist Manifesto illustrated by Disney:

"Displaying a broad range of Golden Age Hollywood animation, Manifestoon is a homage to the latent subversiveness of cartoons. Though U.S. cartoons are usually thought of as conveyors of capitalist ideologies of consumerism and individualism, Drew observes: "Somehow as an avid childhood fan of cartoons, these ideas were secondary to a more important lesson—that of the 'trickster' nature of many characters as they mocked, outwitted and defeated their more powerful adversaries. In the classic cartoon, brute strength and heavy artillery are no match for wit and humor, and justice always prevails. For me, it was natural to link my own childhood concept of subversion with an established, more articulate version [Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto]. Mickey running over the globe has new meaning in today's mediascape, in which Disney controls one of the largest concentrations of media ownership in the world."

(The Bourgeois are more or less the ruling class, and the Proletarians, the working class.)

The Communist Manifesto:
Wikipedia on the Communist Manifesto:

The National Film Board of Canada animations:

The NFB has released some amazing animation over the years. The National Film Board's site has a place where you can watch some of it. ...A good assortment of pretty cool stuff in there.

Nutrition and Behavior:

I thought this was fantastic!! A lecture about the profound effect of diet on brain function, crime, mental 'diseases', anger&rage&depression, and basically the typical North American.

I've noticed a profound link between the way I eat and the way I think. I believe that the body will tailor the diet around the will, and the context of its desires (all on its own). I've found it to be a good indicator of how I'm actually feeling, and how my body is reacting to the physical world around me. Although I know my spirit needs no physical nourishment, choosing the foods with the 'right' frequency or energy or energy will help my physical body perform, obey and protect my will. Some foods affect my body in this or that way, ways which may or may not me constructive to my wills goals. I try to choose the ones that represent what I want to feel. Diet helps my spirit relate to my body the way I'd like it to. 'If you want to change your mind, change your diet,' so they say. It's a 48min video, but well worth the time.

Conspiracy of Silence:

" In 1993 a team from Yorkshire Television came to Omaha, Nebraska to document, investigate, and un-cover the mysteries surrounding the Franklin case and the ensuing cover-up. What the team would find through the course of their near year long investigation would ultimately reach to the White House itself, where they found that then Vice-President George H.W. Bush had been implicated in the crimes surrounding the case.

The explosive documentary was scheduled to air in 1994 on the Discovery Channel. At the last minute to program was pulled from the airwaves, and to this day has never made to television screens. See the documentary certain interests didn't want you to see."

The Case for Antigravity:

"This presentation asks:
What is Gravity?
What is Anti-Gravity?
What evidence is there that technology, other than “conventional” aerospace technology exists which could be thought of as being “Anti-Gravity” or something attempting to control Gravity?

It then looks at:

Some History of Antigravity Research
Some of the Research of Nick Cook
The Hutchison Effect
Some Antigravity Experiments
Coral Castle (Florida)
Alleged Black Projects in the USA
Sightings of Flying Triangles
Hints of “New Technology” which have come from NASA

Sources of Information Used:

JL Naudin’s marvellous site

Nick Cook’s The Hunt For Zero Point (2002) (Available from Amazon etc)
American Antigravity
Jeff Rense sound archives
Flying Triangle Pictures from
UFO Casebook -

Fouche Presentation -
Channel 5 Documentary Billion Dollar Secret (1999)
Channel 4 Documentary Welcome to the 11th Dimension (2003)
Channel 4 3-part Documentary Riddle of the Skies (1999)
NASA Briefings at (no longer available)
Thomas Townsend Brown –
Coral Castle –"

This is an interesting video that's worth a at least a glance. Are there already anti-gravity and electrogravitic devices and crafts already? Some would say yes, and have in fact existed for the better part of the 20th century, and that the Germans had a pretty good understanding in WWII. There are many rumors about the Germans having invented 'flying saucers' during the war.

Who sunk the Titanic?

This is an interesting view on the sinking of the Titanic. Did it sink, or was it sunk?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power:


"Rumors of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president"

It seems that this family is a complete bunch of scumbags that have had their dirty fingers in many of the 20th (and 21st) centuries atrocities. Grandpa puts and keeps Hitler in power, and profits off of the concentration camps (and WWII in general), George Sr has his hands in Kennedy's assassination (among other things), and Regan's shooting, and now we have George Jr.

is a link to the article.
This is another article.
Here is a Google search on Prescott and Hitler.
Watch a movie about JFK and Bush Sr.

Tank Man:

This is a video about courage. This person has become known to the 20th century simply as "Tank Man". On June fifth, 1989, on a street who's name translates into the 'Gate of Eternal Peace', a single man confronts a line of tanks after days of bloodshed in Tiananmen Square. Shortly after this video ends, this man actually had the courage to climb up onto the tank and knock on the hatch.

Peaceful protests by students and intellects, started in the previous weeks, had gained considerable momentum and soon 1 in 10 from all ages and classes were involved. The people were ordered to leave. They didn't. Martial law was instated. They did not leave. The military was called in, and still they demonstrated peacefully. They were shot at and some were hit in the back as they ran with panic, but they came back. They were fired on again, and still they came back. Again and again they were fired upon. Again and again they came back. They were not going to let the military have their city.

For days this went on and the tables turned, the people's will weakened, and the military had the upper hand. ...And then this man, still unidentified to this day, steps in front of a parading line of tanks in defiance. The tanks try to go around him, but he steps in front of them. He's just some average guy with bags of what look like groceries in his hands, and he shows the entire world what true courage actually looks like.

There is a message in this for all of us in these troubled times, and it is that all you ever need is courage, and with that you can change the world.

This is a good video on the Tiananmen Square incident. (The video may do some funky things, but it is still worth watching!)

Historical Anatomies:

"Historical Anatomies on the Web is a digital project designed to give Internet users access to high quality images from important anatomical atlases in the Library's collection. The project offers selected images from NLM's atlas collection, not the entire books, with an emphasis on images and not texts. Atlases and images are selected primarily for their historical and artistic significance, with priority placed upon the earliest and/or the best edition of a work in NLM's possession."

An interesting site that's worth at least a glance.
This is a link to their browse by title section.

Hemp For Victory:

"Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white film produced in 1942 by the USDA outlining a plan to distribute 400,000 lbs. of cannabis seeds to ... all American farmers with the goal of producing 350,000 acres of cannabis by 1943 -- all for the war effort. The USDA even went as far as to urge 4-H clubs to grow at least half an acre, but preferably 2 acres of cannabis. All American farmers were required to see the film, sign a paper saying that they had viewed the film, and read a booklet on the matter. Farmers who agreed were waived from serving in the military, and all their family members were also exempt. They received farm equipment at a discounted price, and sometimes for free.

However, before and after the war -- the same plant was considered "demon weed" and the killer of the same kids that were pressed into service to grow it during the war. Furthermore, the USDA and Library of Congress denied the creation or existence of such a film until 2 copies were found and sent in to the Library of Congress. Talk about hypocrisy."

With the exception of the recent prohibition, hemp has always been an extremely important crop. Hemp makes cheap very high quality fabric, rope, paper (the Constitution of the United States is written on hemp paper) and a vast array of other products. Hemp seeds have a perfect balance of essential fatty acids found nowhere else. Henry Ford invested heavily in researching fuel made from hemp. It doesn't deplete the soil, you don't need pesticides or herbicides and is a fully renewable resource (it grows like a weed). This has been an indispensable plant throughout the history of civilization. Wars have been won and lost because of hemp, or the lack of. The fact that it is illegal has very little to do with the fact that it gets you high, and an awful lot to do with cotton growers, the forestry industry, big oil, and so on.

The Battle of Los Angeles:

On the night of February 24, 1942, Los Angeles was awoken by air raid sirens. The Coast Guard had began sighting incoming unidentified air craft not long after 11PM. Search lamps were trained on the object(s?), and round after round of anti-aircraft artillery were fired. Although thousands witnessed the unidentified craft, the military failed to bring down a single thing.

"At 3:16 AM the 37th Coast Guard Artillery Brigade opened fire while the target was over Culver City. With the city lights all snuffed for the blackout, the barrage of AA shells was the center of attention. The firing continued intermittently through the night until the blackout lifted at 7:21 AM."

The next morning the Los Angeles Times printed this story:

This is an interesting article on The Battle of Los Angeles:
Here is another one.
...And another.
A bunch of news paper articles about The Battle of LA

This happened not too long after Pearl Harbor was bombed, and America was ripe with fear.
Was this enemy aircraft? A 'false flag' style terrorizing? A gigantic blunder, with mass delusions? Was it alien? Who knows.

Second Attention:

Second Attention

Philosophy, lucid dreaming, lectures with people like Alan Watts, Terence McKenna,Timothy Leary, and other spiritual intellects. And the list goes on. An interesting site worth a glance.

"The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence" - Waking Life

"I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau

-Truth Happens-

This is a link to their main page
This is a link to the media page

Noam Chomsky debates William F. Buckley (1969)

This is pretty good! Noam Chomsky goes on (I think its) Firing Line, and has a go at William F. Buckley, discussing such topics as: foreign policy, American supported terror, Vietnam, the Greek civil war, and the Cold War. It's from back in the day when Chomsky was young and fresh.

Nikola Tesla:

There is no wire lighting the bulb in Tesla's hand.

Nikola Tesla was the god of electricity! For what do we owe this man? Imagine a world without: fluorescent lights, radio or TV, electric motors, hydro power generation, the generators to convert the hydro power (or any power really), or even the electricity that powers our everyday lives. Just to name a few. And some they aren't telling you about. Tesla's story is the 20th centuries equivalent of Galileo's battle with the Catholic church. He was ready to provide cheap wireless energy at Wardenclyffe, Long Island, when his funding was cut by J.P. Morgan.

JP Morgan


Tesla's battle with the well known inventor Thomas Edison, was legendary, and has come to be known as the "War of Currents". Edison had created a way to supply direct current, which was costly and inefficient. In order to send power over long distance power lines, generation plants had to be built every few kilometers along the way. Tesla had invented alternating current, in which the polarity of the electricity is reversed 50 or 60 (or what ever) times per second. With this the voltage of the lines can be stepped up dramatically, and efficiently sent long distances over power lines with little loss. A vastly superior method. (Thus we have "alternating Current or AC current today coming from our wall sockets today). As Edison (and others) had invested heavily in Edison's 'direct current' technology, they often resorted to drastic measures to smear Tesla and AC as their ship was sinking. In one smear campaign, they publicly electrocuted an elephant with Tesla's alternating current in order to 'prove' it 'unsafe'.

Electrocuting an Elephant - by Thomas Edison.

This is a good article on Tesla, including a list of his patents (which you can check out here, at the US patent office.)
A list of Tesla's patents that you can check out on the page with Acrobat.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Tesla.

Some pictures of our Universe:

These are all from the European Hubble Space Telescope page's top 100 pictures. Breathtaking, simply breathtaking! There's sooo much beauty in this Universe that we live in. Words can't even attempt to describe it. Pictures don't even do it justice. Enjoy!

Old Time Radio Plays

The OTR.Network Library is a free resource for Old Time Radio (OTR) fans. This site has over 12,000 old radio plays and shows. An interesting bit of nostalgia.


"Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go."

This is a really cool program for your computer! It's like "Google Earth" in a way, except it points out into the Universe. See what the stars are going to be like in your area tonight, or were like 3000 years ago, or will be like in 3000 years. Click on an image and see how it changes over time. Click on this page to download for your operating system.

Olbermann - The Death of Habeus Corpus

This is from October. Keith Olbermann throws down the gauntlet, and slaps Americans. IT IS TIME TO WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Quit waiting for the government to do something, quit being scared of your neighbor, and realize that you are all in the same pot! Boiling away...

The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken

"In 2003, the Hubble Space Telescope took the image of a millenium, an image that shows our place in the universe. Anyone who understands what this image represents, is forever changed by it."

This photograph represents the farthest we have ever seen into the Universe. It is but a small unassuming tiny spot in the sky. One of an infinite number of tiny insignificant spots. Every mark in this picture is a whole galaxy, and each galaxy is made of billions of stars. Are we really alone in the Universe?

UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied

The people that brought you the Disclosure Project bring you: UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied. Are we alone in the Universe?

Leonardo da Vinci: Animated Illustrations

This is really cool! Some of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings brought to life through animation, and explanation. This man was a true genius if ever there was such a thing.

Old time radio horror shows.

This is cool. 100 old time radio horror shows posted by The Monster
link to the plays:

The elephants seem to be starting a revolution of their own!

This article was fascinating! It seems the elephants are starting a revolution of their own! They are fighting back!...And teaching us about ourselves at the same time. I found the last little bit the most interesting. An elephant kills a human aggressor, then takes, and buries it, and mourns it with her herd as if it was one of them. They even defend it against potential harm. Are we truly the only intelligent, or even the smartest creatures on this planet? The fact that elephants seem have a sense of morality, forgiveness, an understanding of death, and social cohesion that rivals, if not surpasses that of our own really makes me wonder. (The article is quite long. 10 pages. but well worth it. It made me think!)

Olbermann - "Advertising terrorism"

This is good! But is it really Bush that's the problem? No. He's just a puppet, and doing what he's told. They want to destroy the American nation to install a global government, but they want to piss you off bad enough to make YOU do it for them. 'Make them fight amongst each other, and they themselves will destroy it.'

Dumping Bush is definitely a move in the right direction, but it only cuts the dragon's toenail. The head of the dragon is what needs to be chopped off in order to stop it. If you want to know where it all is truly coming from, follow the money trail back to the bank. It's the banks that truly decide what gets built, when, and by whom. Who really makes the laws? Is it the politicians themselves, or the people that fund them? "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

The Disclosure Project

Are we alone in the universe? People from the military, government, and intelligence communities don't think so. This is a link to their site. Here are more videos.

Learn physics...

Learn what this guy had to teach the world...

...And learn about the science of energy! This is an amazing series called "The Mechanical Universe". It's basically a video highschool physics class that you can stream for free from Annenberg Media. (you do have to fill out a form, and hand over your e-mail address, or you can use this username: "" and this password: "mrnobody" courtesy of ) If you took "high-school" a little to literally, and weren't quite there for all of your classes, and want a refresher, this is the right place for you!
An outline of the episodes

The Carver

I think this is the coolest car that I've ever seen!

The power of resonance:

A cool video on how vibration and magnitism can be used to bring matter to 'life' and animate it. (I havent watched the rest of the series yet, so I dont know what that's like.)

Here's another video

And another
And another

Ths Structure of Man

"The Structure Of Man" is a nonprofit project for Art Education.
Let this guy show you how to draw people. These videos make it easy to understand how the masters do it, and soon you'll know the secrets.

Alternate stream from Google.

Make a spoke POV for your bike:

Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display!

Make a belt:

I like this! Make a belt out of an old bike tire and cassette. I'm always wondering what to do with this stuff after it wears out on my bike. Throwing it out seems like such a waste.

If you're not going to ride it, then you might as well sit on it.

Fix your bike:

Sheldon Brown The guru: Sheldon Brown. Just about anything you need to know about bikes, and bike mechanics. Also has really good articles on the elusive art of wheel building.

Go Play In Traffic!!

Want some excitement in your day? Do you just want to be who you want to be, and not who some guy in a cornflower blue tie tells you to be? Become a bike messenger!! Fun, adrenalin, freedom, amazing exercise, beautiful scenery. "It's the best job in the world!!" some of our local messengers can be quoted as saying. I almost wish that I didn't call in sick today! Watching these guys splitting traffic makes me all tingley inside. Although there's a lot of assholing going on, which sucks.

This looks to be an alleycat race in New York.

Are We Really Any Smarter, More Evolved, and Civilized Than They Were? Are We Really The First? Are we? Really?

This picture is taken of carvings in the temple of Abydos in Egypt.

Abydos was supposedly built around 3000 years ago.

This page has more.


"The shadows we fear are cast by our own mind" -(I found this in an old notebook that I kept. I can't remember where it's from.)

"Anyone who is forced from his own course, either through not understanding themself, or through external imposition, comes into conflict with the order of the Universe, and suffers accordingly." -(Unfortunately, from the same notebook.)

A Letter to One Who's Past

Please show me the path to peace, and highlight the path to happiness, so that I can achieve all that I need to in this lifetime. Help me find the courage and strength to understand so that I can grow and change what will not pass during my journey through this world.

Let me know when I am right so that I need no guidance from this world so touched with evil. But please show me when I am wrong as well. Mercy will make me weak and dull.

Please let me share this peace with all that are, while keeping in mind when thoughts come to criticize, I am only looking in the mirror.

I know I ask a lot of you, and you have given me plenty through my time. As I have anger, I am weak.
Its release I have not found. I live as human, though no excuse. Precisely this I have come to seek. Its method I'd like to share with all that be.

The Doorway

There is a door in your head that everything that you know points to. A door that has been magically locked by the fire god, and sealed with a crucifix. Your pain is the map, and your will is they key. Only you can - and you must - fully step through this door.


Imagine I come over and bring ten puzzles with 5000 pieces each, and dump them all on the same table. There are ten pictures to build, and fifty thousand pieces on the table. You still know what all ten pictures are, but that doesn't really relate to your very full table of puzzle pieces. You have a hard time relating to the information on a single puzzle piece, and nothing really makes any sense. But you still know all ten pictures.

In time, you manage to get the border of one of the puzzles complete. (Or at least you think that you do, but all ten puzzles are cut from the same template; only the picture is really different).

If I were to come along, seemingly randomly pick an unplaced puzzle piece, state that "this piece goes right here, believe me!" and place the piece with some apparently random position and orientation, within the border of the puzzle, what would happen?

Time and memory would tell us that this piece is now "in" the puzzle, and that its picture, orientation, and position may be correct. But one or all (orientation, etc) may also not be correct.

The only external way that you have to judge this situation is by how much you believe me; how much you trust me based on things like experiences with me and my judgment, and your temperament. How much you "like" me. Unfortunately, if you see me in a positive way I can still be wrong, and if you see me in a negative way I can still be right. But if you don't judge this puzzle piece, it will scream at you until you do.

This is where religion comes in.

The Translucent Revolution - A Fragment of Conversation:

(Jimmy C):
I don't know what to say to all that. Why is God suffering? Because humans are? When you say "he", you don't really mean to denote a gender do you?

(One Of Many Guys Named Dean):
Suffering may have been a bad word. I think the Universe feels everything that we do! (I think that in THE critical way, we are just like, and infact ARE God). The difference is that we only really feel ourselves (for the most part), where as God feels everyone and everything in the Universe (his body)(or part of it), . God would feel similar to how we would if some of our cells were sick (but God IS eternity, and self healing, so...). Plus his creations aren't doing well, and can't see him!

Most 'he's' were intentional. I like the way the Kybalion describes gender. Its actually one of the paradoxes that drives our conscious reality. (if not THE paradox (or 'duality' would fit here too) that all others imply). God is not without gender (then we would be without gender). Like us, the Universe is bi-gender. Except with us, somewhere during our building, one of them dominates over the other, and our bodies choose the dominant one to become (our bodies aren't eternal yet, they still need to procreate). We still have both though.

Gender isn't really a sexual concept at all (...but our bodies still need to procreate...). Its more like, I guess, the two separate states of being. In our reality (but not in Gods), two states of being that cannot 'exist' (that's a bad word) at the same time, while one is 'on' the other is 'off', and vise versa. This is the paradox.

This whole concept reminds me a lot of 'The Uncertainty Principle' from physics. "You can't know both the position and the velocity of a particle at the same time. The more you look at one, the more you affect the other." (It deals with sub atomic particles and energy. It threw science on its ear back in Einstein's day).

The Kybalion says that the female is more or less the inflow, and the male is the outflow. The book calls it "the Me and the I", respectively. (You must remember that unless you tell it otherwise, your conscious mind is the 'observer' of all of this, watching the reflection off of the back of your head. If that makes any sense what so ever). The female, or Me, is the PASSIVE observer. Passive in the sense of: without adding anything, but merely taking in 'what is' (and if what they say is right: all there is). Not 'what you think it is', or 'what you know it is'. So your picture makes no sense, its a blob. As soon as you think about it, or 'know' it, you are by definition injecting 'what you know' into it, and so your perception switches to watch the ACTIVE Will (as in willpower). The male, or the I.

The paradox happens here. At this moment. You are now blind. You cannot 'see' the outside 'real world'. Because you are now watching your will in the context of 'the world you know'. So you turn around, and 'look' at 'the real world'. But here you're hit with the paradox again! Because you're are not 'actively' thinking about it, you cannot 'see' what you are looking at. So you turn around again to think about, or 'see' what you were just looking at. But now you're blind again, so you turn around again.... And so on.

Consciousness happens (according to this theory) as a result of us chasing this cycle around and around, in endless circles. Rather like a hamster in its wheel.

Like I mentioned before, in us humans one of these states always becomes dominant. This more or less throws the 'balance of the wheel' (ill put it that way) out of whack. (This is why people either seem to shoot their will off blindly, or they can't seem to see what they're looking at). A moment of creative thought happens when, and only when there's a perfect balance between these states. The hard part, in a sense, is putting the lens IN FRONT of the beam, and aiming the whole contraption where you want it to go, (in the dark) BEFORE you shoot it off, and hearing the silent whisper of a noise that doesn't make a sound, so to speak.

But this was about God. God, I believe, IS EQUALLY bi-gender. That perfect balance necessary for creative thought. Because of our 'dominant sex' we are off balance; we can only be creative in bits and spurts. But god is more or less 'on' all the time because of that perfect balance. Everything else has a dominant gender. God IS creativity. Its how he rules the universe over all others.

Most of the time, when I say 'he' (or the masculine) I mean I guess the 'will' of the universe. ...but sometimes there's too many "God"s in a sentence for it to sound right.

I like the protection prayer! But make sure you don't deny your emotions and feelings (male & female, respectively)!!! They will come out other ways whether you like it or not! Denying them is what makes them stick! Running from them, and fearing them is what makes them stick! They are there to make you understand something. They need to be understood properly so that they don't back up! If they do back up, you're not understanding something properly, and things need re-investigation (very handy when dodging traffic!). If you can accept them without condition, and can trust them enough to let them happen without question, they are a valuable source of information indeed, a 6th sense if you like!

This is the processing layer before consciousness, and lays below consciousness (for most people, as they are so scattered), and thereby acts, and reacts faster (much, much faster) than conscious thought.

This layer is your link to God! This is where he talks to you! He hears everything you think through what you feel. (A thought is a translated feeling or emotion). And we hear EVERYTHING he tells us here. Whether we're listening or not is a different story.

The 'normal', healthy, happy, resting (not sleeping, but not doing anything either) body feels more or less nothing. Not numbness, but nothing. Blissful ignorance in a way. This is THE zone (but this is also a female state). This is zero, or perfect balance. The shortest distance between you and the moment (and therefore God). Any deviation from that nothing is something that is pulling you off balance, requiring a reassessment and an act of will to correct it (a male state). Fear will make the female state stick, and amplify the image of what's frightening you. (no matter what you do). This can be useful, if you use it right, but if the fear starts to back up, the image becomes distorted, and devastation usually follows. Fear becomes a problem in the male state, as the urge to over-correct is usually unbearable, and lack of confidence causes us to choose the option that we know is not right.

I heard an interview with a police officer a while ago, talking about traffic accidents. He was saying that in most cases, in the moments before a crash, people actually
do know what to do, and how to do it in order to avoid the accident. And they are usually correct! And then their fears speak up, and destroy any confidence the driver had. That lack of confidence then causes the drivers thinking to spin a precise 180, and they end up executing the exact opposite of what they know needs to be done. They do precisely what they know they should not do!

This is why spiritual peace is so important. A scale that's not zeroed usually doesn't weigh stuff that accurately. And an off balance cycle doesn't spin that smoothly. The more off balance you are, the more difficult it gets to figure out where the messages are coming from.

What do they mean? Are they feelings or emotions? Feelings (the female state) tell you things from the outside world (I think they're called 'feelings' for a reason), while emotions (the male state) are rooted in the ego; they tell you about your inner state. The paradox is that you can only see your feelings (external female state, and as true a representation of the outside world as is possible) through their reflection in your emotions, or ego (internal male state). The more off balance you get, the more distorted the lens of your emotions and ego becomes, and the longer it takes you to 'see' this now distorted image.

If you can keep your mind free and clear, and not worry about fear, your emotions and feelings become the grease that slips you down the rabbit hole, so to speak. Its a lot easier with lube!

I've put this theory to the test at work (I'm a bike messenger), and its results are startling to say the least! If I can keep an image of where I need to be in my head (not how I need to get there), (I'm prepared to say) God guides me the whole way there! If my ego doesn't cut him off, and I am listening. Lights, traffic flows, elevators, receptionist, even the effort that I need to put into riding! It all falls into place with effortless ease! It is truly amazing! The smoother you can make the cycle spin, the faster and easier it gets!"

Any act of will is an act of magick. Any act of will that you have WILL be felt by all, (this fact strikes at the very heart of what magick is) although most will tune you out without even realizing it (they are busy being dominated by other wills. Probably other than their own (if you don't have the will, you will be dominated by some one else's). The trick is to focus your will. The more 'potent' the will (the more focused energy you're beaming), the more it will be felt.

The hard part is listening while you're doing it, and overcoming any resistance to it. In 'real time'. (This would make this process below most peoples consciousness, as they don't actually 'see' 'real time', or anything close to it).

In order to make magick happen, you have to keep a feelings image (as if you were actually there) of 'what you want' in your head (effectively making it your 'zero') and overcome any resistance keeping you from it, without letting ANY feelings or emotions back up. Period. All MUST be resolved in REAL TIME. This is basically how our lives basically work, we use this every day in our conscious physical world.

People don't realize that this can be done psychically (I guess that's what it'd be called. Hence 'magick'), and is being done to them this way. If you can move this process from the conscious physical senses, and language, to the feelings and emotions level, things can get interesting indeed! (This may be an understatement!)

"The magical will is in essence twofold for it implies a beginning and an end. To will to be something is to admit that you are not that thing"(Aleister Crowley). This is the paradox of magick.

This is my theory of magick, and how it works, and how our world, and The Universe is run. Things get interesting when its realized that people behave just like charged particles, and react to things in ways strikingly similar to magnetism.

It is also very important, when resolving your 'magical' conflicts 'magically', to not use the negative! It wastes too much energy trying to over come the negative.

For example, instead of 'I am not cold', which your body takes as 'I AM cold', which also must be overcome. Rather use the positive: "I am warm". This WILL tell your body that you are in fact warm, and completely bypass feeling cold, more or less.

(Jimmy C):
You have hit upon something very important. I AM is very powerful & we must watch what we add to after those 2 words. I am cold or I am stupid or I am fat is what the subconscious registers as truth.

I AM off to the doctor's office now! LOL!

(One of Many Guys Named Dean):
The very essence of magick is that your 'I am' WILL affect someone (or something) else's 'I am'.

(Jimmy C):
How do you find someone stuck in their female state?

(One of Many Guys Named Dean):
The female state is more or less 'space cadet' mode. Not a full blown space cadet, mind you, but a momentary astronaut. A day dreamer, in a daydream.

You can see everything in this mode, BUT you must keep the cycle spinning in order to see it!! You MUST provide the male state, the will, or the 'action' to keep it moving along. If you don't provide the, the right, or enough action, things will back up in the female state, and her lens will become cloudy.

This is why I write; to provide the action, so I can see what I'm looking at.

Of course it is more than extremely important to always keep in mind that you are only doing all of this to yourself, regardless of what the 'target' feels. Love is the only thing that doesn't have negative side effects, everything else is a trade.

Love is hard to give when we're scared. In fact its one of the hardest things to give when fear is our focus. I find the most useful things in fear control are 'knowing' the fact that I AM eternal, and that when its my time to go its my time to go, no escaping. But God will protect me until then, and won't give me anything I can't handle (although, what I think at the time may not agree). Plus when I go, I know that I will 'see' the truth (we can already see it now, but we have far to many distractions to decipher the subtleties).

Whether or not this is actually true, it does faaaaaar more good than harm when I'm scared. Its not about trying not to be scared, fear is VERY useful (nothing sucks you down the 'rabbit hole' like fear), rather its about not having to worry about (and therefore focus on) the fear that you do feel. If you can let it happen, and accept fear as nothing but a tool, the world , and indeed the universe, is at your doorstep.

(Jimmy C):
Oh I see female as in passive, receptive; not in action. Does the female state generate the male state? Does one go from inaction to action? Are they 2 sides of the same state?

(One of Many Guys Named Dean):
What actually generates the male state is truly the million dollar question!! For this is THE question that decides the fate/free will argument!

If the female state generates the male state, then that more or less means 'god' (not necessarily God the Universe, but someone's will (we ARE God)) is driving. If the male state is generating itself, then we are driving. But God did give us the 'spark of life' (ONLY he can give this! Man will not 'create life from scratch! The only way we can is by the ways HE let's us), and start this cycle!

Actually, I think its both (the duality/singularity problem again)(we are god, but the individual is more or less a clone of 'god the collective', on a much much smaller scale (but is it truly a smaller scale?). What is seen in the female state inspires the "I" into action, but you 'see' what you 'want' to see. None of us truly 'wants' to see the 'truth'. This is what keeps us alive. If that makes any sense. It would stop the cycle completely, and we would die. Death is THE ULTIMATE female state (for our bodies anyway). But there is another way! Speed the cycle up! Increase your vibration, or frequency. But that takes hard work! And lots of it! (But you know that)

Scale is a word that describes it well. The more 'I' you put into it, the more you drive. The less 'I', the more 'god the collective' drives (if you don't have the will, you will be dominated by someone else's).

Radio wave (electro magnetic wave, of which 'light' and TV are a part of) spectrum describes it better. Your 'ego', or 'I AM' (or zero, or set of basic assumtions, or 'sense of common sense'. What ever you want to call it) now becomes the tuner, or basically your TV set (it broadcasts as well). The hard part is 'tuning in the right 'frequency''. Separating it from the mix.
This takes will, or action.

In fact this is what I think it truly is! Not just a simile. Hence why the word "light" is used in the bible etc. Light is the only word that they had to describe it with when that was written. In fact when the words 'spirit', 'angel', 'demon', 'ghost' and what not are used, they are more or less referring to the director of these flows of electromagnetic energy. Of which we truly are on the most fundamental level. Hence why, and how we tune ourselves in, as from our perception, ours speaks the loudest, because its the closest. I think that When you 'pray' to these deities, you are trying to tune them in with your 'receiver'.

But where's God? God has cleverly hidden himself with his paradoxes indeed!! Because of Gods perfect balance, his cycle spins the smoothest, and fastest, so therefore he is the most creative, and his 'station' broadcasts the loudest. This is one clue to Gods location.

Then how come we can't hear him louder than anything else's? We do! God the Universe, is, I guess, the mind of god the collective's body (if that makes sense. Do not forget in any of this: "God made us in his likeness"!!!!!!!! (image? I can't remember how the line actually goes. Doesn't matter). We ARE CLONES of God, though on a much smaller, off balanced scale His station has to be the most balanced, and stable, the loudest, with the highest frequency for a reason!!! (God hides in the subtleties, behind curtains of grey). His is the carrier wave that all others ride on!!!

The reason we can't 'see' God is that we are scared and lazy and miserable, which means that stopping the cycle and death is the only way we are going to Truly 'see' God!!!!!!

The other way, of course, involves an awful lot of work!!! More that we are capable of in our societies current state!! But we CAN do it, IF EVERY ONE OF US does! Indeed getting all involved is as difficult as getting oneself involved!!! The more of these conflicts you RESOLVE in yourself, the more others will subconsciously understand these conflicts, and resolve them in themselves! You'll inspire them! Because somewhere well hidden inside them, they also know the truth! Do not sweep under the carpet and 'forget' about!! You NEVER truly forget!!! That energy of creation is now, and will always be 'in' the system!! You will always, always, always 'feel' it!! And so will others!!! No matter what you do!! In private or not! Although they probably won't understand its context, or even 'tune it in'. They WILL feel it though!

'Seeing' God involves taking 'the leap of faith'! And more or less 'putting your life in Gods Hands'. The biggest picture possible is critical! Because in our 'humanity' right now our egos think that there job is to understand the 'self', and protect the self from what is ultimately ourselves (we ONLY need protection from ourselves!), we are almost forced into tuning into one or two of these TV stations instead of watching the whole spectrum itself as a TV station. If that makes any sense. The egos job is not to understand ourselves really, rather I think God gave it to us as a mirror to 'see' what other people feel. I ask God to make me feel more!

E=MC^2 (squared). Therefore MC^2=MC^2. Or in English: the amount of energy in matter is equal to the mass of that matter times the square of the speed of light. But this equation also deals with acceleration as well. The energy required to accelerate a given mass up to the speed of light, is all of the energy stored AS that given mass. The time travel paradox. Now I believe that these equations deal with our perception as well. Einstein says that anything with mass cannot travel the speed of light. But here comes the 'magick'!! We ONLY exist as energy corralled, and herded by charged particles (on the small, or subtle scale). If it weren't for our 'body' we would be free to roam the universe. This is what happens at death.

But we can (this is going to sound morbid) experience 'death' while we're still alive!! You are ONLY fused to your body because you 'know' you are.

But I got off topic. God is the ENTIRE SPECTRUM AT ONCE!!!!! That's a SHITLOAD of information!!!! More than our 'selves' are capable of processing!!! That is FAAAAAAR too much energy for our body to handle at once!!! Hence death. ...But you only have a 'self' because you 'know' that you do!!! The trick is to discharge the energy without letting it build up, thus stressing you. To let it flow through you if you like. This is why the action is necessary!! And this is why the only way to 'see' God is through a lot of work, thus raising your frequency.

BUT the 'self' is really only thing that catches this energy anyway! Without the 'self' the energy naturally flows through you. Like I said the trick in 'seeing' God is to take that 'leap of faith'! By putting your 'self' in Gods Hands! The only way to see God is to in a sense, deny the 'self' of its existence! (The required sacrifice in the bible?) While showing it that it truly is infact God. This is extremely difficult for our off balance egos to deal with properly!!! Like I said though, you can do anything you want, as long as you can discharge it!! If you don't, it will stick, and back up, this will make us shoot our will off blindly. (Plural intentionally).

This whole theory reeks of the golden spiral theory!! The exact same shape (a section, the same section, proportionately, of a circle) repeated over and over and over again, ever smaller, and ever larger at the same time, but no matter how you look at the spiral, its the EXACT same shape. Whether large or small. Same as in the scientific meaning: one and the same. Not similar: more than one identical, independent, items.

But either way, the paradoxes/dualities seem to go either one way or the other at whatever given time. But they are just 2 separate states of the same thing. God is all. God is the best of the good, and also the worst of the evil. But God it is, either way. In order to relate to God, we have to 'KNOW' that we, as well are these things. And be able to accept that fact.

..Just a few pictures that I've made..

The Flower of Life

I call these: "Bóveda de la Geometría Sagrada".

Dome of the Geometry Sacred.

Busted - the Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters.

This is useful information. What to do, and what not to do when confronted by the police. Know your rights!

George Carlin from "Life is Worth Losing"

George Carlin provides 'a quick introduction to the real world', and an explanation of why it's called the 'American DREAM':

"Because you have to be asleep to believe it!...the table is tilted folks; the game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care...Good, honest, hard working people continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don't give a fuck about them. They don't give a fuck about you. They don't GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! They don't care about you. At all! At all! At all! And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care..."


What if the world you see in front of you wasn’t real? If the reality of your life weren’t as solid as you believe, how would you cope? Would you look to another to suffer your woes on your behalf?

Do you have to justify? Do you have to tell yourself life is just that way? You perform as expected, and you’ll do all right, but your life is expected.

Ah, yes. Come in please, take a seat; take a load off. We’ll make those monsters go away! Yes we can; we’ve got just the thing required.

Peeled gently, layer by layer like an onion, yes soon you’ll be all right. Pardon me? Sorry, no I don’t quite recall, there seems to be an odd void. Emptiness.

Fed the right diet, a subconscious diet, you’ll find that it disappears remarkably quickly. You wont feel a thing. Your system needs you, and its there to help. I promise that you won’t feel anything at all. Just open that door, and you’ll be safe, we’ll watch and make sure. Pardon me? Oh that, yes I see it too. That’s just your imagination. No, it’s not real. There’s nothing there.

The moment you’re given life, and the moment you’re life is returned are yours, and the balance is ours. No, I tell you that that’s the way it’s always been. It’s a waste, I tell you. I’m sorry to hear you can’t remember. Them? They’re deficient, and they can’t hide forever. Unsafe, I tell you, you don’t want to be like them. Like I said, your system needs you, it wants to help. Your safety is its prime concern. Accidents make the system less efficient, and we cant have that. The system can never stop, unspeakable things may happen. You can’t imagine.

This moment, and all others before exist nevermore, just as the ones to come never have. All that does is an amount so infinitely close to nothing that it disappears almost before its moment of fame. Uncatchable. …Or is it? You see ‘real’ in a relative way. How does it relate to you?

Time, an infinite line, with infinite moments, does it travel with constant, infinite speed? Could your memory tell the difference? It’s all that’s available with which to judge. Infinite moments bring infinite possibilities. How many do you remember? Is the choice really yours? Did it truly happen like that? Certainty becomes just another word.

What? Is that what they told you? You just believe that because you don’t want to invest the energy to stray. Your system needs you, and it strives to impress. Those others are less than, and they cant run forever. Swallow that pill. You’ll feel the effects momentarily. Believe it when it’s convenient for you. Justify it when its not. Don’t worry about the guilt. That will soon disappear.

How much will you believe when what you believe is tested? When you are the only one who believes?

How much of your life do you think you have a right to? Are you even aware that you don’t? Millions of years go by fine, and suddenly living without it is unthinkable. Maybe the rest of the herd is right. Don’t stray too far, you’ll get lost. For your protection, we will steer you in the right direction. Again, do not worry, you wont feel a thing. I’m sure that you’ll find our stealthy methods blend right into the background. Your system needs you, and it wants you to be able to believe in it. Those others are destroying their lives, and ours too. But there’s no cause for concern. Their mistakes will be uncovered, and all will be justified.
