
What if the world you see in front of you wasn’t real? If the reality of your life weren’t as solid as you believe, how would you cope? Would you look to another to suffer your woes on your behalf?

Do you have to justify? Do you have to tell yourself life is just that way? You perform as expected, and you’ll do all right, but your life is expected.

Ah, yes. Come in please, take a seat; take a load off. We’ll make those monsters go away! Yes we can; we’ve got just the thing required.

Peeled gently, layer by layer like an onion, yes soon you’ll be all right. Pardon me? Sorry, no I don’t quite recall, there seems to be an odd void. Emptiness.

Fed the right diet, a subconscious diet, you’ll find that it disappears remarkably quickly. You wont feel a thing. Your system needs you, and its there to help. I promise that you won’t feel anything at all. Just open that door, and you’ll be safe, we’ll watch and make sure. Pardon me? Oh that, yes I see it too. That’s just your imagination. No, it’s not real. There’s nothing there.

The moment you’re given life, and the moment you’re life is returned are yours, and the balance is ours. No, I tell you that that’s the way it’s always been. It’s a waste, I tell you. I’m sorry to hear you can’t remember. Them? They’re deficient, and they can’t hide forever. Unsafe, I tell you, you don’t want to be like them. Like I said, your system needs you, it wants to help. Your safety is its prime concern. Accidents make the system less efficient, and we cant have that. The system can never stop, unspeakable things may happen. You can’t imagine.

This moment, and all others before exist nevermore, just as the ones to come never have. All that does is an amount so infinitely close to nothing that it disappears almost before its moment of fame. Uncatchable. …Or is it? You see ‘real’ in a relative way. How does it relate to you?

Time, an infinite line, with infinite moments, does it travel with constant, infinite speed? Could your memory tell the difference? It’s all that’s available with which to judge. Infinite moments bring infinite possibilities. How many do you remember? Is the choice really yours? Did it truly happen like that? Certainty becomes just another word.

What? Is that what they told you? You just believe that because you don’t want to invest the energy to stray. Your system needs you, and it strives to impress. Those others are less than, and they cant run forever. Swallow that pill. You’ll feel the effects momentarily. Believe it when it’s convenient for you. Justify it when its not. Don’t worry about the guilt. That will soon disappear.

How much will you believe when what you believe is tested? When you are the only one who believes?

How much of your life do you think you have a right to? Are you even aware that you don’t? Millions of years go by fine, and suddenly living without it is unthinkable. Maybe the rest of the herd is right. Don’t stray too far, you’ll get lost. For your protection, we will steer you in the right direction. Again, do not worry, you wont feel a thing. I’m sure that you’ll find our stealthy methods blend right into the background. Your system needs you, and it wants you to be able to believe in it. Those others are destroying their lives, and ours too. But there’s no cause for concern. Their mistakes will be uncovered, and all will be justified.


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