Nutrition and Behavior:

I thought this was fantastic!! A lecture about the profound effect of diet on brain function, crime, mental 'diseases', anger&rage&depression, and basically the typical North American.

I've noticed a profound link between the way I eat and the way I think. I believe that the body will tailor the diet around the will, and the context of its desires (all on its own). I've found it to be a good indicator of how I'm actually feeling, and how my body is reacting to the physical world around me. Although I know my spirit needs no physical nourishment, choosing the foods with the 'right' frequency or energy or energy will help my physical body perform, obey and protect my will. Some foods affect my body in this or that way, ways which may or may not me constructive to my wills goals. I try to choose the ones that represent what I want to feel. Diet helps my spirit relate to my body the way I'd like it to. 'If you want to change your mind, change your diet,' so they say. It's a 48min video, but well worth the time.

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