Fred Alan Wolf - The Spiritual Dimensions of Time Travel

This is an interesting lecture from quantum physicist, and spiritualist Dr. Fred Alan Wolf about what we are discovering to be the very odd nature of our reality. The very act of observing affects what is being observed. The will of the observer CANNOT be excluded from the equation. The Uncertainty Principle. Someones "I am..." WILL affect the Universe, their current situation and the "I am..." of all others, to some extent. In a sense, Werner Heisenberg more or less proved the existence of what is called Magic with his Uncertainty Principle, and opened the door for modern science to study it. More and more these days, scientists are beginning to realize that maybe the ancients DID actually know what they were talking about with their mythology, and mysticism. Are we really the first?

This lecture is from the Theosophical Society. Theosophy was given a bad name in the 20th century as Hitler and the SS were greatly inspired by the esoteric teachings of H.P. Blavatsky and of theosophy. The perversions of these teachings led to the rise of Nazi philosophy of Aryan Dominance and the Third Reich (or third family or brotherhood). Although the teachings were greatly perverted, and defaced by the Nazis back in the day, flipping through their teachings offers a viewpoint on history that is not often presented.

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