John Bonham records "Fool in the Rain":

Listen to John Bonham lay down the drum track for the record version of Led Zeppelin's Fool In The Rain. I always find it interesting to hear the song you've heard a bizzillion times in the radio this way. It's like a peek behind the curtain, so to speak. Like you're right there with them in the recording studio. This is from's page on John Bonham. It's a pretty cool site, I like it quite a bit! (but then again I love drums!)

There's all sorts of cool stuff on there:
And much more!
This is a link their Drummer's page, which has all sorts of videos and whatnot on your favorite drummer (who ever that may be):

Here is a link to their clinic page which has all sorts of famous and talented drummers giving lessons and tips and tricks, and what not:

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