John Perkins at the VFP National Convention:

"..The first of a three part speech given to the Veterans For Peace National Convention, Seattle, WA in August 2006. Author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", in this part John discusses, from a hit mans perspective, the reasons and background to why we are at war in the Middle East."

This is the first of a three part lecture by John Perkins (and here). John was what's called an 'economic hitman', sent into other nations, mostly third world, by corporations and government (same thing) to make them dependent on his bosses through loans and whatnot that can't be paid back. Thus opening the door for imperialistic multinationals to establish control over the dealing of these foreign governments. If the leaders of these nations choose not to join the Amerikan Empire, the assassins and then the troops are sent in.

John's conscience started to bother him, and he has started to speak out against what is going on. I'd highly recommend watching the lecture, and reading his book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".

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