John Perkins at the VFP National Convention:

"..The first of a three part speech given to the Veterans For Peace National Convention, Seattle, WA in August 2006. Author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", in this part John discusses, from a hit mans perspective, the reasons and background to why we are at war in the Middle East."

This is the first of a three part lecture by John Perkins (and here). John was what's called an 'economic hitman', sent into other nations, mostly third world, by corporations and government (same thing) to make them dependent on his bosses through loans and whatnot that can't be paid back. Thus opening the door for imperialistic multinationals to establish control over the dealing of these foreign governments. If the leaders of these nations choose not to join the Amerikan Empire, the assassins and then the troops are sent in.

John's conscience started to bother him, and he has started to speak out against what is going on. I'd highly recommend watching the lecture, and reading his book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".

A Matter of Perspective:

I was cleaning some old crap from my computer, and I stumbled across something that I wrote somewhere around five years ago. I guess you could call it a book if you want to. Call it what you want. When I wrote it, I called it:
How Stupid Would a Chimpanzee Look With Makeup and a Pair of Tommy He’llfuck’er’s Talking on a Cell Phone Trying to Look Cool?

It's a long title, I know. And I've decided to post it as is; verbatim.

It's the story of a long weekend of self reflection that I had one Octoberish some when around five years ago. It's a story that changed my life, and the way the world actually 'physically' appeared in my eyes. It's a story that felt sorta like someone telling me a story, and I wrote it like that, what I could grab of it. It's a story that I could not stop, and still can't. It's a 'real time' snap shot of a revelation, as it happened, that infected every thing that I knew in such a profound way that I'd like to share it with you.

It's a story that set me free.

I have since read just about every thing that I can find that appeared related. Things like: Relativity and physics, quantum theory, philosophy, current politics, and past politics and history, ancient history, mythology and mysticism, religion, esoteric secret societies, Hermes and the esoteric itself, just to name a few.

Although some of the minor details and descriptions are off in this story, a bit of the science and whatnot, I have found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that casts reasonable doubt (in my mind) on the actual 'picture' of what I 'saw' that weekend. In fact, ALL of these things, EVERY SINGLE ONE, seems to support it PERFECTLY. In reality, IT seems to be supporting THEM, not the other way around. It's like they're standing there, sheepishly grinning at me with a knowing look in their eye, having ALWAYS known, wondering if I'm willing to give up my sanity. I chose to...

...And then movies like "What The Bleep..." and "The Secret" start coming out confirming this. It's everywhere. I'm a believer! The Revolution has started!!

Thought of the day:

Some Article:
Scientists say nerves use sound, not electricity

Jimmy C:
What if the nerve impulses are transmitted in a way that is neither sound nor electrical?

One of many guys named Dean:
Are you implying a propagating static field of varying infinite probability, or just doubting this article is accurate?

Jimmy C:
We know so little about how the body works that maybe there are ways of transmission we don't know about - way beyond electrical and sound - that science doesn't have instrumentation to measure when they haven't discovered it yet.

One of many guys named Dean:

Oh, ok. That makes more sense. I liked it because it shows the fallibility of orthodox scientific thought, and that modern science is starting to listen to the echoes bubbling to the surface from long forgotten dreams.

I'm really starting to wonder if the body itself actually really has anything at all to do with it.

Bombs have being going off in my head for the past few days with things like: an infinite resonating static background field that our minds entrain onto certain frequencies of. The resulting harmonic resonance becomes our physical reality.

One 'particle' fast enough to 'be everywhere at once' creating 'all that is' in the background before 'time' exists (time as we know it stops at the speed of light, so anything that may exist that travels faster than light operates in a realm 'before time exists'. If that makes any sense). (Kind of like the one dot (that you don't see) that endlessly scans across and down your tv screen that produces the moving picture). All of this operating as a 'never ending' background energy of infinite possibility, and 100% probability, as it is the 'infinite itself'; it is everything, yet it is nothing because it doesn't 'exist in time' yet. (It is still operating 'before time exists' in this part of the description).

We, existing in time and space, are (for a lack of a better way to put it) changing resonance patterns of this background of infinite possibility, that 'appear' to operate below lights threshold and thus 'appear in time and space'. Our minds resonate in a certain fashion that interacts with the background creating an 'artificial' third resonance pattern, or harmonic resonance, that becomes our physical reality caused by the 'interference' patterns between our minds and the background. Things are only 'solid' because each thing is resonating in such a way as to 'appear' solid to the other thing (although neither is 'truly' solid, as they are just a resonance pattern). In a sense, it's simply the constructive interference pattern between the two individual resonance patterns that creates the solid.

So with all of this, I'm starting to believe that it is simply the resonance or the vibration of my mind interacting with the infinite 'timeless' background in such a way that it 'appears' to create an arm that behaves a certain way. Change my mind or 'what I know' (or 'entrain' onto the background with a different resonance pattern) and the background reflects that shift in resonance as a 'change in my physical world' (my arm 'appears' to move a certain way). Everything else is just manufacturing details.

This being said, it can now be said that it seems that the 'physical reality around me' is simply a direct reflection of the resonance patterns of my own mind, and in that sense 'my very own creation'. Of this background of infinite possibility, in which EVERYTHING is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT PROBABLE (ie. it DOES exist), I myself (my mind) CAN ONLY experience that which will resonate with my active vibration (my will), my resonant frequency. All that does resonate with my will (or 'knowing') will 'gravitate towards me'. I CANNOT POSSIBLY experience ANYTHING that my will wont resonate (if that makes any sense). IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Like like poles of a magnet, we will repel each other. If two things interact with each other in physical reality, it is simply because they resonate with each other.

If two things 'exist' together in 'the same Universe', or 'reality', it is because they each need to learn or experience something with or from the other. It is always a mutual exchange of lessons, BUT EACH DOES NOT NECESSARILY LEARN THE SAME LESSON FROM THE EXCHANGE. The overall chord that that particular note fits into may not be the same for all parties involved. In fact each party may be playing a completely different, even extremely discordant chord from the one another is playing. All that they do share is that particular 'out of tune' note (but they are all 'valid' as chords). How the lesson comes depends, in a sense, on which orchestra they have chosen to play with.

Jimmy C:
Yes I agree and we may never know what the other party's need was from the exchange, nor is it any of our business to know.

One of many guys named Dean:
I believe that there is a 'higher' part of our selves that 'inspires' the increase in our vibrational frequency. And that this part will ALWAYS highlight the part of the self with the most discordant resonance pattern and attempts to 'tune that string', in a sense. This is why consciousness tends to focus on the 'negative', and thus, unless it 'knows better', will almost seem to gravitate towards the negative, and thus attract the negative, all in an attempt to TEACH THE SELF to tune the discordant string on its own, creating a clearer, stronger resonance. The way in which the lesson is 'manifested' is DIRECTLY DEPENDANT on the overall resonance pattern of the mind.

In a sense, and from a human standpoint: I believe that there is something out there that reads your mind and continuously creates a personalized lesson plan, in real time, for your enlightenment, based on your current mental state, which you experience in something similar to the "Holodeck" from Star Trek. The thing that reads your mind is a part of what is ultimately yourself, trying to teach yourself something in a way that you (yes you) believe that you might understand, and listen to.

This being said, I believe that what we truly are is Gods in training, God's apprentices if you like. And have a natural intuition towards enlightenment. All of Experience is here to teach us how to master our own reality. And our lessons and experiences ALWAYS, AND WITHOUT JUDGMENT, reflect this fact. The only judgment is what our resonance inflects from the infinite. This we learn so that we can 'one day' create our own Universe.

Jimmy C:
We came from enlightenment and we're going back to enlightenment and we never left enlightenment, but the big joke on us is we have convinced ourselves we are lost for eternity but time is our collective fantasy to indulge our lostness in.

One of many guys named Dean:
(That, that precisely is what the esoteric symbol of the snake wrapped around in a circle eating its own tail represents. Things, ALL things, no matter which 'plane' you're looking at, start in spirit, descend down and manifest into the material, and then ascend back up into spirit.)

So to sum all of this up, what I'm basically trying to say is that there is a part of each one of us that 'is' 'before time exists' , and that it is trying to inspire each of us, the best way that it knows how, how to become The God of our own Universe. But, in a sense, God created the Universe for one Moment, and only one Moment. God created the Universe, and held it for one Moment. All of experience is a different way of experiencing that one Moment. All of experience is to teach each one of us how to master our own reality during an 'eternity' of play, until that one Moment finally arrives, and it becomes our Time once again, to sit on Our Own Throne as God Itself.

...Just a theory.

Jimmy C:
Why is it our resonance patterns create aging of the physical body, instead of moving towards perfecting the physical body?

Is that a choice to perfect and maintain a radiantly healthy eternal physical body or are we doomed to repeat the aging pattern that all life forms seem to experience in this world/level of vibrational frequencies? Is aging a program that is wired in or a conscious choice we make? Can we re-wire or delete the program if it is one?

One of many guys named Dean:
I do believe that we are moving towards a perfect eternal physical body, and in a way, that we do already have an eternal physical body. What I think the true problem is is that I'm not sure if we can quite define "eternity", or even "time" properly. Once we can 'know' the 'true' definition of "Eternal", AS WELL AS its negative - "Death", both in the same 'picture', we can experience the eternal body we've already got. But we are given an infinite number of physical 'vessels' to discover this lesson on our journey.

"Eternity" and "time" are tricky to pin down with a definition. I'll start with time, briefly. Time as we know it is a man made measure of the distance between two events. It takes one year for the Earth to return to the same place in its orbit around the Sun, and so on. Relativity states that measured time and space from one viewpoint is completely independent from the measured time and space of a different viewpoint. It makes no difference what so ever if it's the same time and space that's measured from both viewpoints, they do not have to be the same quantities. Time and space in each viewpoint does not have to be equal to that of another viewpoint, although there is a connection in the relationship between them as they do vary. I'm sure you've heard of the famous "Twins Paradox": One 20 year old twin gets into a rocket ship, and accelerates away from the Earth up to nearly the speed of light, and travels that way for half of a year, then turns around and takes another half a year coming back, while the other twin is watching him through a telescope on Earth. Through the telescope, the ship appears to cover vast distances, turns around and, 101 years later, the ship returns and the twins are again face to face (assuming the Earthbound twin is still alive). The astronaut is still 21, while the Earthling is 121.

The paradox happens when you ask this situation these questions: "How do you know which twin was actually traveling, when you can only measure velocity relative to another object? To an object already traveling at the same velocity that the astronaut accelerates up to, that same astronaut appears to be slowing down, and the Earthling twin is the one zipping about. The astronaut should be getting older faster, not the Earthling. ..And yet he doesn't, all viewpoints are valid the way they are? ...Besides that, the fact that the astronaut left and came back makes any traveling that he did irrelevant anyway, in this case, since he ultimately ended up exactly where he started from. ie: The average velocity of the astronaut for his whole round trip is, well, zero. But it still appears to work that way, regardless? He is still affected?"

It's a tricky paradox. The way only way out of the riddle seems to be that it DOES matter which one spends the energy changing its velocity. Which one accelerates away from the other. This particular fact, I think anyway, is the most important fact in Relativity. Important because it points at the fact that (at least to me) it appears energy expenditure is related to passage of time in a relative sort of way. If you could spend enough energy accelerating up to the speed of light, wearing a watch, anyone traveling slower than you, who hasn't spent that energy, would literally see your watch slow right down and then spend an eternity at the moment you hit light speed. At this point you would be 'before time exists'. But you can't do this because it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate your body up to that speed.

This brings me to my definition of 'Eternity': I must first state that infinity does not necessarily mean everything. If you put two separate points on the same infinite line, no matter how far apart you put those two points there is always an infinite number of points that you can still put in between the first two. What brings the eternal into light is incorporating my above mentioned definition of time into my definition of infinity. But our bodies cant do that!... They definitely can!! But not the way you expect. Our minds can do it. They can do it easily. In fact, I think they do it all the time. Our minds are directly connected to the infinite, and therefor have infinite power, if that makes any sense. If it doesn't, use your i-magi-nation to picture this while you read my definition of time and eternity again: imagine you somehow gain the ability to ride a beam of light. Keep in mind that in order for that time dilation to happen distances, from this perspective shrink to well, zero, while time all around you 'appears' to stop. Imagine the "Big Bang" from this perspective. Wouldn't we be right in the middle of it? Because I think our minds are directly connected to the infinite, I think we do experience eternity when we can put 100% of our spiritual energy into "This Particular Moment". Which ever one we decide to define that way. Because there is only one moment, and when you're fully in it... I think our 'experience' of time is more or less an illusion caused by our separation from the eternal and infinite.

The more attention one can invest into the 'Moment', the more time appears to 'slow down'. The closer to the Moment one can get the more time, space and freedom they have to CHOOSE which experience that they would like to have. The farther from the Moment they get, the more experiences are imposed on them because of the constraints of 'time and space', and the less clearly the infinite is seen. In this state of low vibration, or frequency, only part of the infinite can be seen. Like standing in a fog, only those experiences immediately surrounding, and directly connected to the current experience can be 'seen' and therefor chosen. Living completely 'in the moment' affords an infinite amount of time to choose which one of an infinite number of experiences one would like to experience for an infinite moment of and by their choosing. And then do it again the next moment. And the moment after that...

The 'aging' of the body, I think, is mostly the result of the body's inability to deal with as much 'crap' as we deal it. It can't get rid of it fast enough. Crap meaning not only the food we feed it, but all the other pollution it forced to deal with, including emotional and spiritual pollution as well. What is putting us 'off balance'. In fact, I'd say most, if not all of it is the direct and indirect result of emotional/spiritual pollution. Pollution as a result of not being able to, for what ever reason, listen and obey the infinite self. Compounded by everyone else's inability to do the same. The 'tired' body is the 'old' body, not the other way around. I strongly believe that any step away from one's infinite self is 'one step towards death'. Or the "Hell" stories that they talk about in religion. With the 'proper' support (in order for it to work, you have to define that word the way your infinite self does), I believe our current bodies can fend off an eternity of just about anything, all on their own. We are given an infinite number of them to learn this lesson with.

I do not believe that 'aging' and 'death' are remotely related, except on the psychological level.

I believe that part of aging is caused by both our true understanding of what 'death' really is, (or the transaction that takes place) and our 'apparent' lack of understanding (for it is only an ' apparent' lack of understanding. We all know this transaction very well. (Imagine having a friend that no-one else knew, and not being able remember what that friend looks like)). For the 'true' nature of Death beacons the weary traveler on his journey through time and space, and our 'apparent' lack of understanding makes us scared. Scared of... -- well everything. Scared shitless. Scared to Death. Attracting what we are scared of right to us. I Believe (I'm willing to say "I know" here, but...) that the death of the body happens when, and only when, the occupant wants out of it sooooo badly that they are willing to give it up. For what ever reason might cause someone to wish to do this. When it is no longer suitable for them. They get an infinite number of them, and they know this by the time they get to this point. When they are that invested 'in the moment', when they are at that high of a frequency.

What we call the aging process, I believe can fully be stopped. If our bodies are simply resonance patterns created by our minds interacting with the infinite, and we are not able to experience anything that our minds don't cause a resonance in, and only experience what will resonate, what we call the aging process comes clearly into view. If 'enlightenment' means 'raising your vibration' or 'frequency', and 'old age' is ALWAYS accompanied by a 'lowering of vibration' (or being 'tired'), the answer becomes obvious. There are an infinite number of moments in your life, how many do you pay attention to, and remember? ...But we are given an infinite number of bodies to master this lesson. To 'know' this lesson in the same way that one would know "here is my hand". As we raise our frequency, only things that resonate with that higher frequency are manifested for experience. More pure things. Happier things. Things that can repair the body and most of all, heal the mind. The higher we raise our frequency, the 'slower' time goes, while ability, creativity, inspiration, power, etc are increased, and we will manifest more of the same. The change is instantaneous in the individual, and so is the change in what is manifest. (One key is that it's easiest to manifest order out of chaos. It's much more 'difficult' to manifest order when there is already apparent order in place. As a bad example, it's a lot more difficult to manifest a green light when you already know that the light just turned red. But if you try and manifest a green light before you know it's current state, or its pattern, and you give enough time for some chaos to emerge in the current order of things, creating the order of manifesting a green light by the time you get to the intersection is a lot easier)

I do believe that the process of true, and pure enlightenment and Death are by definition the exact same thing, except for the very last step. Being that into that Moment, when you get to that One Moment (which ever particular moment you decide to define that way) , when you can put your full spiritual energy into 'TRULY' seeing the infinite, and in that One Moment, feeling the full power of the infinite, choose to keep the body without letting either go. That is when we become a god. WE'VE ALWAYS GOT THIS CHOICE, AT ANY MOMENT, ALL THE TIME.

The fact that this understanding, and people and things that know this aren't a part of our everyday physical reality is completely irrelevant, and almost proof of this theory. Someone or thing with this understanding, and the higher frequency that it implies would likely resonate out of our 'bandwidth' and therefor not be seen or experienced by someone of this physical reality. What I'm trying to say is that connected to this moment (and all other moments as well) are an infinite number of moments that you are included in. Moments when you fall in love, moments when you get into a fight, moments when you live, and moments that you die in, moments when you learn how to fly, and moments when you cure cancer, but also moments that you decide that your life, or that of another is no longer worth it. Moments that increase your frequency a certain amount, and moments that decrease your frequency by certain amounts, and one particular moment that you complete your enlightenment, and reach out to your ascension. All moments, every single one, has an infinite number of other moments connected with it, of all different frequencies, colors and bandwidths. Just because an experience doesn't appear to 'exist' in ones reality in its current state doesn't mean that that experience cannot be chosen the next moment. What ever that experience is. It is ALWAYS your choice! It's your choice all ways. But attention to the current state, to the 'now' is required. If attention is not payed to the moment, the moment after will likely be imposed.

And by the opposite side of the same token, we have all, every single one of us, CHOSEN to be here, in this reality, on this Earth, at this particular moment by whatever device got us here. We chose our bodies and the stories behind them. We chose the location of our birth, and the identity of our parents. We knew the current state of our planet, and chose this, here, now, as a stop on our journey towards enlightenment. We will choose the moment of our death, and the circumstances surrounding it.

Each one of us makes these choices. And it's up to each one of us to figure out why, if this moment and its momentum don't quite satisfy as much as it could. And should. It's up to those people to imagine (I MAGI((N)oun)((E)nglish))which moment, which reality they would like to experience, then, using their WILL (willpower, the key to all of Magick) CREATE a change IN THEMSELVES (very key point. Very key), in their resonance, and then watch that chosen reality manifest WITHOUT EXPECTATION.

A Clockwork Orange:

"'What's it going to be then, eh?'
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry."

I just found another copy of Anthony Burgess' book "A Clockwork Orange". I keep 'lending them out...' It's one of my favorite books, and I'd highly recommend giving it a read if you haven't yet.

Although the movie is different, the book revolves around the theme: regardless of the external influence, absolutely nothing will change someone who feels no need for change, although someone, anyone, even Alex can infact change. If they want to. If they feel the need to. Regardless of external influence; absolutely nothing can stop them.

This book is really quite poetic, and is filled with odd humor and graphic, surreal scenes. It does interesting thing for the mind, as it forces the reader to learn "Nadsat", the slang of the teens of a not too distant time. Real horrorshow!