
...So my long time good friend Turnip drops by after work last night, and asks me when my birthday was.

"June?" I offered, wondering why he was asking.

"Oh.. --Well, I got you something."

I'm thinking 'right on, I got a chocolate bar' or something.

"It's in kitchen"

Wondering why he would leave it in the kitchen, I went to go get it.
The only thing that had been added to the kitchen was his new bike. So I scratched my head a couple of times, and he says to me "This is your new bike"

"Whaaaat? Nooo!" was my reply, "I'm not taking that!"

"It's yours, I bought it for you."


...So, in the end, he wouldn't let me refuse, and it looks like I've got a new bike! (Which is the coolest thing anyone's ever bought for me! Thanks man!!)

Meet Redew:

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