
You deny the best in life because your ego says no one can do better, inside knowing the lie.
You reject inspiration because it is not yours.
Looking for ways to justify your hate for yourself in others.
Telling others to feel welcome to, but inside, to only feel so, not to be so.
Putting up walls of lies you force yourself to believe to guard your insecurities.
Fear controlling, you have none.
Not trusting your self enough to trust others.
The emptiness inside forces more emptiness. …A vicious circle; no beginning and no end.
Feeling stranded in your pride.
Looking to others to blame for your own faults.
Clinging to what you believe so tightly, causing an inability to look past and for more.
Believing in fragments of truths.

I understand and forgive.
It’s who you are, and what you know.
It’s how you protect yourself from your pain, and make sense of your suffering
… A suffering only human.
I take no offence to you, but feel hurt by your ways,
Knowing all I can do is watch
It’s truly not directed at me.
My friend, I wish you nothing but the best
And truly hope that you will someday see
And let it go.

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