Angry Kid:

A glimpse of the not too distant future? Although I'm not a huge fan of Greenpeace, this is the best rant I've heard in quite a while! It's time to WAKE THE FUCK UP and GROW THE FUCK UP!!! We CANNOT survive, and WILL NOT survive IF our planet dies! ...But we seem to find it necessary to rape and exploit out planet and it's generosity to feed our own selfish obsessions. 'Who gives a damn? I've got to be cool with my Hummer, and god damn it, we need more petrol! The media will make the guilt go away!'

The younger generation is making a threat, a VERY justified and serious threat to us of older generations. A threat that we MUST take very seriously. Selfishness IS NOT our God given right!!! If we choose not to change, the changes made for us will not be pleasant.

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